Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This post is a bit superfluous so...

For some reason, I always like to begin my posts by describing something...i don't know why, but that's okay.  

Moonbeams stream through my window, creating a puddle of light on my floor. Pulling open the blinds, I press my nose against the window, fogging up the glass, looking out at the bright moon shining through transparent clouds, creating a silent halo encircling itself, and trying to discern the stars from the airplanes. The song “You’re Beautiful” by Phil Wickham comes to mind. I decide that it’s the perfect time to write down some thoughts in my little blue notebook, fighting off insomnia, by moonlight. You don’t have to read them if you don’t want to, but if you want to, then go ahead. ^_^ 

What is it about the sky? What’s with the starts that are sprinkled so generously across their violet backdrop, or the sun that paints the clouds with pinks and oranges? Why is it that we find the moon, only a reflection of its majesty, so beautiful? Why do we find comfort gazing at something that’s there all the time? 

Maybe because it reminds us that there’s a hope. That we’re not alone, because there’s someone who’s more important than us, who knew us before the beginning of everything.

Well, we appreciate the sky anyway, even if there’s no particular reason other than it just being absolutely marvelous, with all of its constellations, sunrises, sunsets, and eclipses. 
Like i said, there's not special purpose to this post.
I’ve decided to read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo before December 25th when the movie comes out, if it kills me. So far I’m doing alright. I just love the way he painted his story. He was so right about so many things. If you don’t know what it’s about, or don’t really care whether you see it or not, watch this. It’ll change your mind. And if it doesn't...well that's your own problem. 
Enough about that.
 I know that about 99% of everybody has already said this, at least once, but… fall is almost here!! :D (not to mention I’m probably one of the very few people who have not had a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks yet…yeah…I know…) I can’t wait for fires and leaves and cold weather and sweaters and hoodies and s’mores and hot chocolate….I could go on for…a really long time. 

By the way, in case you haven’t noticed there IS a comment button, down at the bottom of the post kinda in the middle. Speaking of which (we weren't really speaking of it, but that doesn't really matter) if you wanted to follow me (it means you get updates and stuff) there’s a follow thingamajig on the right sidebar...somewhere over there…just sayin :)  

if you've made it this far, thanks for reading. If you didn't make it this far, thanks anyway :)

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