Thursday, August 30, 2012

decisions, decisions, decisions oh and Miracle Max

People. They’re practically everywhere. In constant motion, crawling along the planet’s surface. And unless you choose to become something of a hermit and move to a place virtually uninhabited like the Sahara or Antarctica (neither of which, however, do I recommend due to the fact that each is a highly inconvenient place to start a community by yourself) they’re inescapable.

It’s interesting to think about the way people think, if you think about it. Why people make the decisions they make, and what effects they have, and what would have happened had they made a different choice. And why they didn’t take that path in the first place.For instance, why the figurative fellow in the car next to me chose to wear such an ugly shade of eye shadow, or why the person next to him chose to buy a Mt. Dew in a plastic bottle when, obviously, it tastes much more refreshing out of a glass bottle. Or why they’re even in the car at all. I almost want to dress en costume as Miracle Max, knock on their windshield and cry out 

"Hey! Hello in there. Hey! What's so important? What you got here that's worth living for?"

Maybe not those exact words, but you get the idea.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, unbeknown to me, the man in the eggplant-colored eye shadow is on his way to a volunteer educational play about Hidden Valley. The person beside him bought the plastic bottle beverage out of the convenience of having lid; and had I knocked on the windshield, the sight of me dressed up as Miracle Max would’ve given him such a fright that, had he not had said convenient cap, he would’ve thrown his Mt. Dew up in the air, sloshing our eggplant friend and creating a landslide of runny eye shadow. Thus, making him late for his play, and all the little kiddos would have to go home disappointed.
But what really induced them to make such decisions I’ll probably never know. And we’re only three out of billions of humans out there, making choices that could change the face of history or life as we know it. But thankfully, we’re not alone in this big universe. God’s got our past, present, and future all in the palm of his hand. Each of our billions of either brilliant or incredibly stupid choices happening at the same time; he sees them all. We don’t have to worry about the future, because he’s got it all. Thanks God :)

Have fun storming the castle :)

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